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LIATO's Ex-Employee Says 'LIATO Threatened Us After K2.1 billion BURST'

LIATO's Ex-Employee Says  'LIATO Threatened Us After K2.1 billion BURST'

The first witness in the K2.1 billion case involving former Labour minister Austin Liato has narrated how the former minster threatened to kill him and two of his colleagues after Police discovered the buried money, accusing them of betraying him. Testifying before Principal Magistrate Aridah Chulu was Paul Lumano Kakumbi,…

BISHOP Mambo Says "Zambia 'STINKS' Of CORRUPTION Because Of Corrupt MMD REGIME"

BISHOP Mambo Says "Zambia 'STINKS' Of CORRUPTION Because Of Corrupt MMD REGIME"

Bishop John Mambo has charged that revelations of increased irregularities in the 2010 Auditor General’s report are a clear confirmation that Zambia stinks of corruption. Bishop Mambo says it is saddening to note that Zambia has been singing the song of poverty and unemployment when billions of kwacha go unaccounted…

"TRANSLATE Barotseland Agreement Into LOZI So That The People Of WESTERN Province UNDERSTAND"

"TRANSLATE Barotseland Agreement Into LOZI So That The People Of WESTERN Province UNDERSTAND"

Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) has advised government to consider translating the Barotseland agreement of 1964 into lozi for the people of western province to fully understand its contents. FODEP executive Director McDonald Chipenzi tells QFM radio that the government should also indicate the motive behind the publication of the…