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KACHASU Gazzler Dies In NAKONDE After Consuming Large Quantity Of It

Home » LATEST NEWS » KACHASU Gazzler Dies In NAKONDE After Consuming Large Quantity Of It

By Editor on January 20, 2012.

A 26- year- old man of Nakonde district in Muchinga Province has been found dead in his maize field after he allegedly drunk large quantities of a local brew popularly known as Kachasu.ZANIS reports from Nakonde that Police in the area confirmed the development in an interview. The deceased man was identified as Yona Sinkala of Mulenda village in Chieftainess Nawaitwika’s area.

Police said by-passers found Sinkala’s body in the maize field in the at about 11:00 hours on Tuesday. Police said that the deceased left home around 06:00 after taking large quantities of Kachasu saying he was going to work in his maize field. The family attempted to discourage the too drunk Sinkala from drinking some more but to no avail as he staggered away towards the Shabeen for some more.

They added that it was along the way that Sinkala lost his way in a maize field and collapsed dead. Sinkala’s body is currently lying in Nakonde health centre mortuary. But when contacted for a comment Police spokesperson Elizabeth Kanjela said she had not received the report on the matter

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