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Kalaba able to respond to name – UTH

Home » Headlines » Kalaba able to respond to name – UTH

By admin on April 16, 2024.

The University Teaching Hospital (UTH) has shared encouraging news of former Chipolopolo midfielder Rainford Kalaba’s progress.

UTH public relations officer Nzeba Chanda said Kalaba is showing remarkable improvement and is responding well to treatment.

She stated that the medical staff attending to him have observed a significant increase in his responsiveness with demonstrating the ability to perceive movements and gestures around him.

She revealed that positive response extends touch and sound, indicating promising signs of functioning.

Notably, when called by his name, Kalaba is able to exhibit purposeful movements suggesting a growing awareness of his surroundings.

“When you call his name, he’s moving, the doctors have testified that actually there’s a lot of improvement,” disclosed Chanda.

Rainford Kalaba was involved in a road traffic accident on Saturday, April 13, along Great North Road in Kafue which tragically claimed the life of the motor vehicle’s driver.

Kalaba was rushed to the University Teaching Hospital for treatment, where he continues to receive care…h