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MMD Nods Guy Scott Suggestion On Limit Of Years In Public Office

Home » Politics » MMD Nods Guy Scott Suggestion On Limit Of Years In Public Office

By Editor on January 21, 2012.

OPPOSITION Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) national secretary Richard Kachingwe has agreed with republican Vice President Guy Scot’s line of thought for ruling parties to stay in office for only ten years to avoid complacency.

Major Kachingwe tells Qfm in an interview that there is need for a party that is voted into government to work to the expectation of the voters.

He has however said if people have faith and confidence in the party’s policies and developmental programmes, it is justified for a party to stay in government for as long as people want.

Major Kachingwe, whose MMD party ruled the country for 20 years before relinquishing power last year following an election defeat, has advised the Patriotic Front government to pay allegiance to the people who put them in office.

He says failure to honor their campaign promises will cost them in future elections as Zambians cannot be taken for granted.

Major Kachingwe has also called for the need to improve democratic systems in the country if Zambia’s governance systems are to be enhanced.

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