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RENARD Blames FAZ For POOR Accommodation Arrangements At AFCON

Home » Sports » RENARD Blames FAZ For POOR Accommodation Arrangements At AFCON

By Editor on January 20, 2012.

Herve Renard has blamed FAZ for poor organization that led to the team being accommodated in a second grade hotel.

Zambia booked out of the Carmen Hotel on Thursday saying it fell short of Africa Cup standards.
Renard told France’s RMC radio that there were people in FAZ who did not do their jobs.

“There are people in our federation who didn’t do their jobs,” Renard said.
Zambia’s team had to switch hotels just two days before their opening game at the African Cup of Nations after coach Herve Renard complained the original accommodations were unworthy of a major tournament.

“The first hotel we got was not of the standing of the Africa Cup of Nations—I think people have to have respect for the Zambian national team,” Renard said. “It’s not our first qualification. … Maybe we are not the best, maybe we are not a team with a big name but we deserve respect.”
Zambia plays highly rated Senegal in Group A on the opening day of matches on Saturday.


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