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"TRANSLATE Barotseland Agreement Into LOZI So That The People Of WESTERN Province UNDERSTAND"

Home » LATEST NEWS » "TRANSLATE Barotseland Agreement Into LOZI So That The People Of WESTERN Province UNDERSTAND"

By Editor on January 18, 2012.

Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) has advised government to consider translating the Barotseland agreement of 1964 into lozi for the people of western province to fully understand its contents.

FODEP executive Director McDonald Chipenzi tells QFM radio that the government should also indicate the motive behind the publication of the Document.

Mr. Chipenzi says it is commendable to see how the government has remained committed to fulfilling its campaign promise of trying to resolve the Barotseland issue despite not having restored the agreement in the first 90 days of its rule as earlier promised.

He has since called on the PF government to remain committed to resolving the matter in the best interest of all the parties involved.

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