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WOMAN Enjoys SEX With A 'RAT'

Home » WEIRD » WOMAN Enjoys SEX With A 'RAT'

By Editor on January 20, 2012.

In what can easily pass for a scene in a horror movie, a ‘rat’ is reportedly extracting conjugal pleasures from a Bulawayo woman. Such is the sad tale that Elizabeth Ndodayemzini reveals. The woman who was sobbing uncontrollably said that she was tired of sleeping with the notorious rat and needed help.

Ndodayemzini claimed that she would wake up in the middle of the night feeling like she was having sex. She said when she tries to grab the “man” all she sees is a rat!

“I try to push whoever will be having sex with me and try to grab him and all I see is a rat on top of the bed,” she explained.

The visibly shaken woman said the rat would stare at her.
“It does not run away like ordinary rats, just looks at me and the next thing it would go under the pillow shivering in a strange manner,” she said.

The alleged rat did not only seek sexual pleasures from the woman but but it even had the guts to ‘steal’ her money from the house and ‘withdrew’ some from her bank account. She said the strange things started in 2010. Ndodayemzini said whenever the rat menace starts she becomes weak.

“I have tried to kill it a number of times. I even asked some guys I share a flat with if the same things happened to them, but they said they have not had an encounter with a rat. My money from the house just disappears and at times even from my bank account,” chronicled the woman.

She added that at first she thought she was losing her money, so she started writing down hr monies.
“I wonder what’s really happening to me and I need someone to help me.”

Ndodayemzini is a divorcee and founder of Fountain of Hope, a charity organisation for vulnerable children. The woman, a devout Christian, said she has tried consulting different prophets and has attended many prayer sessions which were all in vain.

“I have been to ever corner seeking help, but nothing has come up,” said the woman.
Those who are willing to help can contact Ndodayemzini on 0773462321.

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