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ZAMBIAN Mission In Canada Misapplied Over K300 Million In 2010

Home » LATEST NEWS » ZAMBIAN Mission In Canada Misapplied Over K300 Million In 2010

By Editor on January 19, 2012.

The Zambian mission in Canada, Ottawa misapplied three hundred and thirty nine million, three hundred and eighty seven thousand, three hundred and sixty six kwacha in 2010 which was part of the K898, 069,689 meant for the rehabilitation of the High Commissioner’s residence.

According to the 201 Auditor General’s report obtained by QFM,of the total amount of K898 million, only K365,373,348 was spent on renovation works, while K193,308,975 was in the bank.

The report reveals that K339 million was applied on unrelated activities such as settling of utility bills and payment of subsistence allowances.

It further reveals that the contractor engaged to carryout the works on Residence No.9 Mission Inn Grove was paid a down payment of K24, 919,204 but that as of May 2011, the contractor had not completed the works and had since abandoned the site.

The Audit report also reveals that in June 2010, a representational vehicle, Mercedes Benz 240 CDJ, was involved in an accident which was not reported to the Police.

It says conquently, despite the vehicle being comprehensively insured, no insurance was claimed, but that the mission paid an amount of K26, 119,134 million in repairs.

The mission during the period under review also transferred amounts totaling K403, 900,000 from the revenue account to operational account without authority from the Secretary to the Treasury.

The Zambian mission in Canada was headed by Dr Nevers Mumba at the time.

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